Crop breeding platform
in record time
Neotrait Engine®
Precision breeding for the development of new crop varieties in record time using genetic editing and cutting-edge technologies.
Portfolio of new varieties under development

High fiber wheat
We work on the development of healthier Chilean and Argentine crop lines, with 5 to 10 times more fiber than traditional wheat. In alliance with Campex Baer and Buck Semillas.

Drought-resistant wheat
Project that seeks to generate Chilean and Argentine wheat lines that better resist conditions of water scarcity. In alliance with Campex Baer and Buck Semillas.

Anthracnose-resistant white lupin
We are developing pioneering Chilean lines that resist the main limiting factor of this species globally. In alliance with Campex Baer.

Premium oats high in beta-glucan
Project that aims to increase the beta-glucan content. In alliance with Campex Baer.
Development of new crop varieties

Gene Discovery proprietary Software
Neomics Miner®

Gene Editing

Speed-Breeding (Several harvests within one year)
This synergy makes it possible to shorten the long breeding times in annual crops, going from 12 - 15 years to only 4 - 5 years.